759 Starbuck Avenue   Watertown, New York 13601
Back to our home page The members' area of Highway Legends ... see pictures and info on our vehicle(s) Apply for membership here Once you are a member, this is where you can submit info and pictures on your vehicle(s)
Please help us support these businesses who are supporting the Highway Legends How we got our name, our mission statement and an archive of newsletters and club meeting minutes Members can list items for sale, trade or that they want to buy A place for those members who have not yet reached the legal driving age A page of sites with reciprocal links to Highway Legends

Troy Rivers has a 1968 AMC Javelin and a 1939 Chevy P/U Rat Rod. 

Troy has owned his Javelin for around 9 years.  He bought it from a family member and has "never looked back".  It was in very poor shape but well worth it to him.  The rat rod was bought off a friend.  It isn't completed yet but it should be soon.  More information on Troy can be found at myspace.com/troyrivers68.



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Fourth Coast Creations ... Web sites by David J. Schryver